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Help us to help!

Without donations SC Hospital would not exist and many young people would not have a job. Yet we are dependent on further donations to start the stationary operation of the hospital.


Help us to provide good and fair medical care in Tanzania by supporting the construction of our SC Hospital in Mwanza.

Please state your address when transferring more than 200 EUR so that a donation receipt can be issued for you! For transfers of up to 200 EUR, the bank statement or deposit slip transfer voucher is valid as proof of donation for the German tax office.

Donation account

WITH the possibility of issuing a donation receipt for tax deduction at the tax office.

Kühn Foundation

Kreissparkasse Biberach
Account name: “Orthopedic Surgery for Africa” (Kuehn Foundation)
IBAN: DE41 6545 0070 0008 6487 70

All donations received on this account will go 100% to the development project funding at the SC Hospital (St. Clare Hospital) in Mwanza!

The non-profit family foundation “Orthopedic Surgery for Africa” (KUEHN FOUNDATION) has set up this donation account exclusively for the forwarding of donations to the Tanzanian SC Clinic-Foundation and the promotion of their projects at the SC Hospital in Mwanza.

Donation accounts

WITHOUT the possibility of issuing a donation receipt for tax deduction at the tax office.

Donation account


Kath. Kirchenstiftung Velden
LIGA Bank München

IBAN: DE19 7509 0300 0102 3499 14

Keyword: SC Hospital / Tansania

Private donation account

Thomas Brei

Name: Dr. Thomas Brei
Bank name: DKB –Deutsche Kreditbank AG
Account no. 1018133650
BLZ: 120 300 00
IBAN: DE71 1203 0000 1018 1336 50

Your help reaches us

With only 5o Cent we can clean and hygienically connect a tropical ulcer. With only 6 $ we can diagnose an uncomplicated malaria tropica and treat it in its entirety.
And to safely deliver a child we only need 50 $.

As you can see, every Dollar helps a long way!
Support us and the people on site.

You want to help directly
or give us support?

Or do you have further questions about the Foundation or the SC Hospital?

Please do not feel hesitant to contact us!

The Registered Trustees of
SC Clinic-Foundation

Postal address:
P.O. Box 4058
United Republic of Tanzania

House address:
Poor Clare Road 3
Buganda Salehe Street
Mkolani Ward
Nyamagana District
Mwanza City

SC Hospital
(= St. Clare Hospital)

Postal address:
P.O. Box 4006
United Republic of Tanzania

House address:
Poor Clare Road 7
Buganda Salehe Street
Mkolani Ward
Nyamagana District
Mwanza City